In a very appropriate coincidence, we brought our recycling load in last weekend. Why the coincidence? Sunday was Earth Day! Admittedly, we're in it for the cash, but if we're doing something good for the environment at the same time, all the better. After all, "green" is trendy now, isn't it?
Our last load of glass bottles, aluminum cans, and plastic was in early March. This time is had been only about six or seven weeks since our last load. We were pretty thrilled with our loot. We cashed in $61.42!
Wow! We really had some help this time. We are collected bottles from several neighbors, both of our families, co-workers and friends. Once again, the key is just to put it out there to people. Let them know that you are recycling, and they will bring you their stuff. Most people want do it for the environment, but are too lazy. If you'll take it off of your hands and make a couple of bucks while you're at it, everyone wins. Also, if you have a purpose, such as the wedding fund, as in our case, it's even more compelling.
I don't have the exact total, but that brings us over $200 from recycling!
Great article! Would you mind sharing just a little more info,
as to where you bring your "loot"
for recycling? Thank you.
Posted by: ray | May 17, 2007 at 11:50 AM
Sure, there are recycling centers in every major city. And, I would think, in the smaller ones too. Not sure what area you are in, but check your local yellow pages.
Posted by: lamoneyguy | May 17, 2007 at 12:04 PM
It's so nice to have you do all of the research for us. It makes our decision making so much easier!! Thanks.
Posted by: MBT Shoes | July 23, 2011 at 12:27 AM