Going to the movies is right up there in the Personal Finance taboo list with Mocha Frappucchinos, credit card debt and buying new cars. Heck, full price tickets now run you $10 at most major theaters, and you'll drop that much or more at the concession stand.
My fiancee and I hardly go out to the movies anymore, partly because the cost is prohibitive compared to waiting a few months for picking it up at Hollywood Video. Also, the quality of the movies rarely justifies the cost of going to the theater.
This weekend, however, we were in San Diego visiting a friend who wanted to see X-Men 3. The best way to defray the cost of the movie is to see a matineee, but we were already too late for that. So, full price, $10 per person it was. Second, if munchies are a must have part of your movie-going experience, you should always bring your own snacks. But, we wanted popcorn. And there is no graceful way to sneak popcorn into the movies, especially in the warm weather of Southern California in June. We actually came up with a pretty good solution, that may be on the fringes of ethical, but sure worked.
AMC theaters offer free refills on all large popcorns and large sodas. So, between the three of us, we ordered one large popcorn and one large coke. We asked for a cardboard container to carry the popcorn and drinks, and also two waters. The total cost was $9.50.
We walked over to the butter station and dumped the entirety of the popcorn into the cardboard case, and dumped the two waters into the adjacent drinking fountains. Our buddy walked over and got the popcorn refill before we even stepped foot in the theater. After we sat down we filled the water cups out of the large coke (which is the size of a ewer anyway!), and took the third full coke for a refill just before the move began.
So, three of us essentially shared two large cokes and popcorns for less than ten bucks! I know, for the same ten bucks at the store we could have gotten enough popcorn kernels to pop gallons of popcorn, and a six pack of cokes to wash it down. But to get that at the theater is still pretty sweet. And, ethically, did we do wrong? Trust me, I won't lose a moment of sleep over it.
I lay off the snacks, but a good movie is worth $8.50 in a nice, large theater... but spare me the experience of the people walking in the theater after the movie has begun with their 18-month-old in one hand and a cell phone (Nextel variety, with that chirp) in the other looking for his friend, "Where you at?"
Posted by: Flexo | June 05, 2006 at 07:51 AM
Heh. I like that whole getting refills before the movie even begins thing. That's my kind of thinking.
My wife and I *rarely* pay full price for a movie. We prefer the discount movie houses. That means we have to wait a few weeks, but so what? If we have to see a movie now, then we go to a matinee. I'm shocked by how many of my friends pay full price. The only time I ever pay full price is when I see a movie with a friend and they aren't willing to do something on a discount.
As for snacks: I have *no* compunction about bringing my own food, especially water. None at all. I often bring my own snacks, too. The only thing I'm usually willing to pay for at a theater is Red Vines. And sometimes some popcorn.
Posted by: J.D. @ Get Rich Slowly | June 05, 2006 at 03:05 PM
Right on!!
They set their prices at such a ridiculous level that it is very hard to shell out the money when we go to the movie. There is no connection between price and value at the theater. I try not to go more than once or twice a year, and that's only with free tickets that my company passes out now and then. There have been so few movies that were worth seeing, that I'd rather just pay a rental charge at Blockbuster. (And I'm such a cheapskate that even $4 seems spendy to rent a movie.)
Posted by: Hazzard | June 05, 2006 at 03:40 PM
I agree about $4 being too much for movie rentals. I usually cash in $20 worth of Discover Cash Back rewards for a book of ten Hollywood Video rentals. They have the same for Blockbuster.
Posted by: lamoneyguy | June 05, 2006 at 05:38 PM
Oh dang, I get the Military Discount or if they don't respect Vets then I use my student ID. Saves me at least $1.50 per ticket. I often take in my own candy. I don't like buying their food it's sooooooooo expensive! I can't imagine paying $10 per person for a movie ticket.
Posted by: Tim MMF | June 05, 2006 at 09:44 PM
My company offers discount tickets to the movies for $6. You can't use them in the first 10 days of the relase, but that's a small price to pay for saving $6 (it's $12 here!). I usually buy about 10 in Jan. and they last for a long time. We also usually bring in our own food - and I don't like movie popcorn anyway.
Posted by: edenz | June 06, 2006 at 06:41 AM
Hmmmmm... I am a popcorn fanatic and this is an EXCELLENT plan! ummhmmm.
Posted by: CollegeGrad | June 12, 2006 at 10:22 PM
Prices at movie theaters are entirely too high aside from a matinee. Any way to soften the financial blow is music to my ears. My wife and I love Netflix instead of going to the theater. We do not have to pay ridiculous prices, worry about people talking or crying children.
Posted by: Andrew | July 05, 2006 at 03:58 PM
Hah...that's funny. But yeah, that is a good plan...With the movies out recently and the ridiculously high prices, it's no wonder why the movie industry is suffering.
Posted by: financial freedumb | July 06, 2006 at 01:30 AM
Wow, never heard of free refills at a movie theater. At their prices, there should be free refills on all sizes.
While I like the idea of screwing the legal rip off artists, it is not morally right and if you get caught, you could be permenatly banned from the theater.
Posted by: Prince of Thrift | September 01, 2006 at 11:21 PM
in some cities (including mine) we are HUGE fans of the drive in, not only can you bring your own food, but you don't have to sit next to some bumbling idiot! plus at only 5 bucks a person, its almost equal to rentals
Posted by: dvschic | September 13, 2006 at 12:51 PM
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Posted by: pratik | January 11, 2007 at 11:36 AM
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on [email protected]
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