Welcome to the 2nd edition of the Cavalcade of Risk! The Cavalcade of Risk was originated by Henry Stern or Dayton, Ohio. If this is your first time to It's Just
Money, I would like to welcome you and thank you for stopping by. I have been blogging about
personal finance, investing, insurance, and random crap for almost four months! Check out my Welcome Page where
you will find my most popular posts. I also have a handful of insurance posts.
The Cavalcade of Risk is meant to examine risk in all its forms, but with a lean towards insurance. For those not familiar with the insurance industry, insurance is a large part of what is known as "Risk Management." You see, the major ways that you can deal with risk are 1) risk avoidance, such as not living in an earthquake zone, or not driving a car; 2) Risk Reduction, such as only driving in daylight, or never leaving the bunny slopes; 3) Risk Retention, which is deciding that you will bear the financial burden of any risk that you undertake. You will pay for car repairs, hospital bills, or home repairs out of pocket; 4) Risk Transfer, this is generally insurance. By buying health insurance you are transferring the financial risk of a major procedure onto your insurance company (assuming they will cover it!). That's why a carnival about insurance is called the Cavalcade of Risk. Okay, on to the posts...
In a post whose seems most appropriate to the theme of the carnival John Olsen at By Principle presents an article simply titled Risk.
Adam at Personal development for brains reminds us to look for Opportunities instead of failures
Did you have a job when you were in High School? I sure did. I can relate to the advice given by Kristin McAllister at Making Cents in Kids and jobs. Don't miss out on being a kid. Work will come.
Whether you are a lawyer, hostage negotiator or regular joe, learning how to negotiate in situations big and small is critical. Paul at Paul's Tips gives a great primer in My eight best negotiation tips
Bob Vineyard, CLU at InsureBlog makes a case against Drug Caps.
We have know that women earn less than men, but do you know why? Wenchypoo at Frugal Wisdom from Wenchypoo's Warehouse outlines the reasons in Why Women Earn Less.
Joe Kristan at Joe Says So reviews a book in Lazy Sunday 'Crisis of Abundance'.
How do you really know that sunscreen does anything more than just some regular Jergens? David Williams of Health Business Blog asks the question, Does Sunscreen Work?
The debate over the housing bubble may rage on in many circles, but what to do about it? Frugal at My 1st Million at 33 presents Unconventio nal Strategies in this Housing Market.
Jeffrey at Personal Finance Advice missed out on some terrific American TV during his years overseas. Thankfully he returned just in time to see Cash Cab
Sadly Hurrican season is returning. Specialty Insurance Blog has taken this opportunity to examine Hurricanes Insurable?
I don't have an entry this week. Too busy hosting! So, check out some of my other posts, and be sure to stop by again soon.
WooHoo! Great job! Thank you fo hosting this one...and for taking the time to introduce your blog to us.
Posted by: hgstern | June 21, 2006 at 05:22 AM
Thanks for hosting this weeks' edition but I do want to make a tiny correction.
Cavalcade of Risk, and InsureBlog are all Hank's creation. As much as I would like to take credit, it should be noted that I am not an originator of the Cavalcade.
Hank is kind enough to allow me to post my rantings in Don Quixote fashion but he deserves all the credit.
take care,
Posted by: Bob | June 21, 2006 at 06:50 AM
Thank Bob, correction done. This was done pretty late at night, and I saw insureblog, and assumed.
Posted by: lamoneyguy | June 21, 2006 at 07:17 AM
Nice job, LA Money Guy! Thanks for a good issue. We've linked you up at Workers Comp Insider!
Posted by: Julie Ferguson | June 22, 2006 at 06:06 AM
It is so easy to assume that the world is exactly as you see it. The reality is that we are all "a work in progress" and it is much easier to see others faults than our own.
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