My activity level was down this week, as I was out of town for business for half of the week. Here are the posts that caught my eye.
Five Cent Nickel started a community post about your Worst.Job.Ever. Quite a few of us participated.
As something of a follow up to FCN, Financial Freedumb tells us how he got started down his career path. It's a great idea, and I want to write a follow up to tell my story as well. Maybe we all can, just like FCN's community post.
Totally OT: I'm shocked that Chris Daughtry got the boot on American Idol. I heard rumors that one of his phone lines was down! Doesn't sound like a big deal, but we're talking about potential millions for these kids.
That's all this week. I haven't updated my Non-Personal Finance Blog of the Week yet. My Fiancee and I are going to my parent's tonight to see a show, then we're spending Mother's Day with the Moms, so I won't have much time to update some of these things this weekend.
So, have a great weekend, and to the Moms out there, thank you for who you are and all that you do, and for being our MOMS!
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