There's some really thought provoking stuff around the PF blogging community this week. Here are some of my favorites:
College Grad asks, Why Aren't there More Black, Asian and Latino PF Bloggers? But read the comments. It appears there are more of us than you may think.
In a somewhat similar vein, Jim at Blueprint presents... The Faces of PF Bloggers. I haven't submitted my picture. I realize that a picture doesn't actually compromise my anonymity, but It's too close for now.
Mapgirl received some unsolicited criticism which prompted her to question whether wandering "off topic" is acceptable, and perhaps even welcome.
Financial Freedumb shares some thought about when to use those miles and points that you have racked up.
Have you read Windy City Blues? She just started at the end of March, but looks to be off to a great start. Check it out.
Thanks for the link and comments! From on Asian PFBlogger to another. :-)
Posted by: mapgirl | April 16, 2006 at 07:15 PM
Thanks for the link up!
Posted by: financial freedumb | April 17, 2006 at 11:27 PM